Category: entrepreneurs

From hobbyist to fledgling creative business, 8 top tips to get you started

Are you at the stage of turning your creative hobby into a small business, but don’t know where to start? Well, if so then this Blog is for you,.

Here I give you a whistle stop tour of some key steps to get prepared and excited to launch your own creative business!

It’s deeply satisfying to do what you love and love what you do, so settle in and find out more…

The Curious Cabin is open!

The Curious Cabin is open! Come inside for a sneaky peak at what we’ve been up to for the last 3 weeks, building the perfect creative sanctuary in the garden….if you need me, you’ll find me in here! #cabinfever!

Listen for the whispers…

Inspired by Oprah’s podcast on ‘life first speaks to you in a whisper’, I’ve been examining all those little nudges and sometimes more from the universe that are the tell-tale signs we could listen to, to help guide us in the right direction

Summer Solstice reflections and setting new intentions

As we nudge passed the Summer Solstice point of the year, it’s a great time to reflect on our achievements and celebrate how far we’ve come, even more so in these challenging times. You can then use this knowledge to look forwards, set new intentions, dream big and make the most of the rest of the year…

Becoming best friends with your intuition to guide intention

This week I’m talking about how to use that gut intuition to help guide your intention. Too often we forge ahead with what we think we ‘should’ be doing but if you listen to your intuition and external signs it can be a powerful combination for more focused, heartfelt and authentic intentions.