Lunar Guided Journalling

Next event: Sunday 7th April 2pm, Unity Yard Holmfirth, contact me to book your place via the form below

We use the lunar calendar and different phases of the moon to tap into the energy these phases bring and dig deep to discover how you are really feeling. This enables clarity to then move forwards and often brings up surprising and powerful results.

It can be an emotional and cathartic experience, that my participants have found both therapeutic, fun and hugely positive, having the chance to take stock, reflect and have some time to themselves to really think about what they want from life.

The feedback from the first events has been brilliant with participants understanding what they need to focus on, and setting intentions for the future by taking the time to just pause from everyday life and focus on themselves for a while, amongst like-minded people in the lovely creative surroundings of Unity Yard in Holmfirth . 

There will be 12 places available on each session, so please get in touch via this contact form (please scroll to bottom of page) if interested to book, or to register for future sessions which I hope to run every few months.

It’s just £12 for the session and takes place at Unity Yard, Holmfirth. The next event is Sunday 7th of Aprilat 2pm – 3.30pm.
