The Curious Creative Writing Club

Aim of the Club: To provide inspirational prompts to encourage and empower members to nurture their own creative writing ideas and bring them to life on the page!

The gift of 1hr and 30 minutes, pure creative headspace to write and listen to like-minded people read out their stories too.

For people who work better with gentle direction and for those who are time poor and want to protect and schedule in focussed, creative writing time to make sure it happens.

I know that time is precious, so I want this to be quality, concentrated, straight to it writing time for you to get the most out of this class. But of course, you can then carry on in your own time (Pretend you are still on the class if you have to!).

Ethos: The Club will have a supportive, relaxed, and friendly feel, where you will feel safe and encouraged to share your writing, learn from others, and give useful feedback.

Each month as the Club evolves, I’ll introduce new ideas and different styles of writing to challenge your skills and help you to experiment and grow as a writer.

Quote from one of my participants, Annabel in the first Writing Club group

How it works

The Monthly Curious Creative Writing Club

I’ve been working on this to refresh the club and switch things up a bit, as the club has been running now for almost 3 years! I also wanted to open it up to those who may also want to do more blog or article style pieces and this new format combines both.

Here’s how it works;

1)     We start with previous work (homework) being read out; the time equally divided by participants – this is informal but incredibly useful for you to receive constructive feedback on your work and will include feedback like:

  • The part I enjoyed the most was?
  • What needs a little more clarity in the story is?
  • A great piece of description was?
  • A way to improve the beginning, middle or ending could be?
  • My favourite character in the story was?

2)     Warm-up – 3 questions to journal on

These questions will be about all sorts of topics, from things that have happened in the news that month, to your thoughts on a particular subject or asking yourself deeper questions.

3)     Main task – The idea is to then take one of these answers to then generate a ‘thought’ piece that could be used in different ways of writing, but one that still includes storytelling within it.

For example, a blog post, article, social media piece etc.

This would be your main piece of work, that you could then work on further as homework.


4)     If you would rather write a creative fiction piece, you will also have this option, which may link to the subjects in the journaling part, or may be completely different.

If you would like to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at doing BOTH of these challenges so 3 & 4, doing one of them completely in your own time.

5)     Finish up and summarise where you are going with your story.

When are the sessions?

This session will run on the first Monday of every month 7.45pm – 9.15pm approx. (depending on number of participants) – beginning on the 8th of January (because of New Years Day).

How much does is cost?

The sessions are £12 each or you can choose to pay for 3 months worth of sessions upfront, which would then be discounted at £30 (non-refundable).This would further encourage you to make time for your writing and create a consistent habit to the programme.

So if this sounds of interest then please get in touch below expressing your interest and I’ll add you to the group – we start on Monday the 8th of January 2024, and then it will be the first Monday of each month going forwards.

Please see further below for testimonials from writers who have previously joined the group.

How to join

Please register your interest to join, or ask any further questions, via the form below.

Please see below for testimonials from the first Writing Club participants and also from attendees who have attended my previous Writing Workshops.

Testimonials from the Writing Club group

You have such an amazing energy Juliet, fabulous writing prompts and helpful and encouraging feedback. You were made for this and you have brightened up these lockdown days for me. I feel very lucky to have made it into your wring group, with such a lovely group of fabulous and friendly writers Annabel

I’m loving our writing group! It’s so lovely to have some dedicated time to focus on creative writing – Clair

I love doing the writing sessions with you, always end the day feeling inspired and excited about my writing! Your new club is just what I need to keep me motivated – Anna

As a newbie to the group last night, it was a first for me to join a writing group. I met a lovely warm and welcoming group of people and loved the chance to write and listen to the writing of othersJulie

I am LOVING the writing group, I was nervous at first having never done anything like this before – but the first two sessions have just been marvellous, with such thought provoking prompts and ideas. And what a truly supportive and encouraging group of peopleSue

I just love that I am writing again, it had been a while! So glad I started coming along – such great prompts Juliet and it’s the highlight of my week to spend time with other writers and hearing everyone’s work Carrie

Testimonials from previous writing workshops I have delivered

‘I really enjoyed the session last week. Very energising and the quick-fire exercises really got the brain working! ‘I’m inspired to get started! Informal, stimulating and positive regardless of your starting point’ Carol

‘Inspiring, fun, helpful, and therapeutic’ – Claire
‘A Fun Workshop creating short pieces from memory and imagination’ – Sarah

I loved it, never thought I was any good at/ particularly enjoyed writing but you made it a joy! Here’s to many more. I enjoyed the way were guided through steps to accomplish different styles and having to do things really quickly without overthinking it.’ Miriam

‘I liked the time restrictions so you couldn’t over think and it was good to read it aloud in a group of like-minded people. Wonderfully, creative evening, will recommend! – Hazel

‘A lovely inspiring and warm place to explore and play with creativity’ – Clair

‘A chance to explore and tap into your creative self and have the luxury of the time to do it! I’ve realised I miss poetry, I’m going to start committing my prose to paper and I’m also going to be asking for a journal for my birthday next week!’ Jo

‘I learned that I can use random words to create poetry and lyrics and I enjoyed trawling through memories to create prose. The workshop left me feeling inspired, I feel a song coming on!’ Neil