Category: accountability

8 top tips to help creatives talk about what they do

Sometimes it’s really hard communicating what you do to your audience, and this feels especially so for creatives. Here I share my top tips to get you started so you can get your beautiful work out there and share your story without it being a scary task!

From hobbyist to fledgling creative business, 8 top tips to get you started

Are you at the stage of turning your creative hobby into a small business, but don’t know where to start? Well, if so then this Blog is for you,.

Here I give you a whistle stop tour of some key steps to get prepared and excited to launch your own creative business!

It’s deeply satisfying to do what you love and love what you do, so settle in and find out more…

Putting dreams into action – creating a new Vision Board for 2021

Following our Vision Board Workshop this week, I’ve had a lot of fun now creating my own for 2021. Here I talk about how I’ve put mine together, in the hope it encourages you to get all those dreams, ideas and wishes, out of your head and into some action, by making it visible and useful in your own personal way.

Winter wonderland inspiration, 5 ways to get through the darkness of January

Five ways to get through the darkness of January and find creative inspiration and motivation, because we all need some help right now…

how to choose your guiding word and optimise its power

It’s that time of year again for choosing a guiding word but it’s all about finding one that fits well, like word-dating but without the pressure, this is way more fun, and valuable!

Read my top-tips to ask yourself the right questions to discover the word that will be your ally, confidant and cheerleader for the rest of the year… with lots of options to maximise it’s power!