Category: new blog

From hobbyist to fledgling creative business, 8 top tips to get you started

Are you at the stage of turning your creative hobby into a small business, but don’t know where to start? Well, if so then this Blog is for you,.

Here I give you a whistle stop tour of some key steps to get prepared and excited to launch your own creative business!

It’s deeply satisfying to do what you love and love what you do, so settle in and find out more…

Putting dreams into action – creating a new Vision Board for 2021

Following our Vision Board Workshop this week, I’ve had a lot of fun now creating my own for 2021. Here I talk about how I’ve put mine together, in the hope it encourages you to get all those dreams, ideas and wishes, out of your head and into some action, by making it visible and useful in your own personal way.

Keeping Connected in tough times

This week it’s all about self-preparation as we head into further lock-down. What self care techniques can you use to feel better and get through this? Who can you connect with to serve our human need to belong to a tribe? Lots of tips to make sure we all get through this together, with passion and purpose…living life to the full.

Listen for the whispers…

Inspired by Oprah’s podcast on ‘life first speaks to you in a whisper’, I’ve been examining all those little nudges and sometimes more from the universe that are the tell-tale signs we could listen to, to help guide us in the right direction

How childhood experiences can shape your future creative self

Taking a good look at how your childhood helps to shape your creative journey and applying that lesson to our own children and families…it’s time to have some Summer adventures! Plus there’s another creative challenge in here for you, this week all about animals and pets!