Category: guiding words

I’m on a deadline….to fulfil my dream

It’s good to be back writing, which is a good job as writing is what 2023 is going to be all about, find out why, and how I’ll be setting myself up for progression, NOT perfection this year.

Ready to Re-Imagine?

Hello! I’m back! Welcome to the first Blog of 2022! I know it’s been a while but I’m ready, with my new Guiding Word for the year to get going! So head on in with a cuppa and find out how I’m re-imagining this year and discover how using the Guiding Word strategy, really works for me and how it could help you too.

How my guiding words will work for me in 2021

Following on from last week’s blog explaining the process of choosing a guiding word, this week is all about how you then make your words work hard for you, across many areas of your life. to get the maximum benefit., it’s like having your best friend show up to remind you of the direction you want to go in….

how to choose your guiding word and optimise its power

It’s that time of year again for choosing a guiding word but it’s all about finding one that fits well, like word-dating but without the pressure, this is way more fun, and valuable!

Read my top-tips to ask yourself the right questions to discover the word that will be your ally, confidant and cheerleader for the rest of the year… with lots of options to maximise it’s power!

Trust in your talent or ‘to be’ talent…

Why it’s important to trust in your talents and really believe them to be true….polish that rough diamond within yourself, and give yourself the opportunity to shine.