Category: small business

From hobbyist to fledgling creative business, 8 top tips to get you started

Are you at the stage of turning your creative hobby into a small business, but don’t know where to start? Well, if so then this Blog is for you,.

Here I give you a whistle stop tour of some key steps to get prepared and excited to launch your own creative business!

It’s deeply satisfying to do what you love and love what you do, so settle in and find out more…

Discover your strengths to get closer to the life you desire and deserve

This week is all about discovering your strengths to enable you to live the life you desire and deserve with some tips and fun quizzes to help you find yours.

So grab a cuppa and a notepad and enjoy this important insight into what makes you so unique and awesome!

Reflecting on 2019 – What ‘firsts’ are you celebrating this year?

Find out how reflecting on and celebrating your ‘firsts’ this year can help to drive you forward with confidence into 2020.

Why accountability is key to personal growth

Accountability is no longer a dirty word, it can help you grow your business, increase your skills and confidence and help you to truly value your work. Here I explain how…

That New Term feeling, on to the next mountain…

Do you have that new term feeling but not quite sure how to get back on track after a busy family Summer? Here are some tips to help.